Nina Sheina
- Anesthesiologist
- Medical practice 25 years.
- Diagnosis and treatment of gynecopathy. Doctor performs all types of gynecological surgeries: uterus, ovary surgery, colpoplasty, she is experienced in hysteroscopy, hystero-resectoscopy, transvaginal ovarian puncture.
- 1990 – graduated from Semipalatinsk State Medical University, honours degree, profession – General Medicine.
- 1994 – graduated from residency on the basis of Obstetrics & Gynaecology department of General Medicine faculty at Semipalatinsk State Medical University, profession - obstetrics & gynaecology.
- 1994-2007 – Dr. Sheina was emplyed at Regional Semipalatinsk Perinatal Center.
- 1998 – “Actual problems in obstetrics & gynaecology” Certificate
- 1998 – “Medical effects of Ionizing Radiacion” Certificate, took part in Semipalatinsk-Nevada International Conferences
- 2003 – Skills training “Extragenital diseases and STD during pregnancy and gynecological disorders”
- 2005 - Skills training “Ultrasonic diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology”
- 2007 – The highest qualification grade of obstetrics and gynecology doctor was obtained.
- 2008 - Skills training at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
- 2013 - Skills training “Obstetrics and Gynecology” at Russian Medical academy of postgraduate education of RF Ministry, Moscow
Ommabop IVF dasturlari
Altravita klinikasi reproduktiv tibbiyot, ayollar va erkaklar bepushtligini davolash, sitogenetik va molekulyar-genetik tadqiqotlar sohasida etakchi o'rinlarni egallaydi.
orKo'rib chiqish
Елена Фомина, 17 Feb 2021 г.
Нет слов, чтобы выразить свою благодарность замечательному специалисту — Шушковой Александре Григорьевне. Благодаря её профессионализму и чуткому отношению к пациентам, у нас родился наш долгожданный сыночек. После 13 лет ожиданий, уже перестали верить в чудо... И оно случилось, благодаря Александре Григорьевне. Ещё раз, огромное спасибо Вам, Александра Григорьевна.